Thursday, August 9, 2012

The LIttle People Go Undercover

Wednesday, August 1st, 2012
Having walked the children's feet off (or at least walked them enough to give them all blisters, a discomforting experience I have never myself experienced) on Tuesday, I decided to something a little less strenuous and a fraction more relaxing on Wednesday. 

1343841582721.jpgThe Spy Museum is one of the coolest museums out there, and well worth the price of tickets. I had been to the museum my senior year of high school while on my Senior Trip to NYC/D.C. and had visited again the summer immediately after high school. No matter what age you are or your kids, there are activities and exhibits at the Spy Museum that will captivate the whole family. 

The LPs enjoyed the museum and loved the Spy Store (where they spent some of their hard earned money on spy gear that was reasonably priced). 

And the pictures above? They were free! (I hate going places that take your picture then charge you an arm and leg for the souvenir photo.)

After we had learned all we could about the art of spying, we decided to go back to the Air and Space Smithsonian. Thankfully that crazy security officer was NOT there.
And yes. I had the Little People empty their bags, checked their pockets, and allowed them only to take their Brita water bottles, wallets, and messenger bags on Wednesday and Thursday. No more armed LPs in Washington that week!

We had around 45 minutes to fly through the Air and Space museum. And fly, we did!
Little known fact about myself: the only thing I ever wanted to be when I was a child was an astronaut. (I did NOT want to be a least not until the Lord used my parents to direct me into nursing between my junior and senior years of high school). 

So, obviously, the first exhibit we went to was the Apollo section. After a brisk walk through, we headed to the Wright Brothers exhibit, ran through a couple more, stopped for pictures at the Amelia Earhart exhibit, tried out a few gadgets at the How Things Fly exhibit, and (last but not least!) stopped for some purchases (including space food and souvenirs) at the museum store. 
Someday...when I have tons of time (yeah, right), I will go back and take my time at one of the coolest museums (in my opinion). 

Check back for our final stop on this tour: The Little People On Tour; and then one final blog post about road trips (containing tips about traveling with kids): Are We There Yet?

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